<aside> 💡 Lingua3 Freshman Toolkit

  1. 新人入DAO流程
    1. 新人问卷调研
    2. 新人英文问候小活动
    3. 财富密码分享
  2. 星期一周会DM话术
  3. 01.31-02.06日 Lingua3 Freshman Survey Questionaire data tracking </aside>


  1. 填写问卷
  2. DAO成员群内介绍
  3. 新人欢迎会(具体细节待补充)

问卷链接:Lingua3 Freshman Survey Questionnaire

星期一周会DM话术 模版

Hello partners of Lingua3DAO,

We have a Web3 Sharing about XXXX at 20:00(UTC+8) on Monday.

The first step to learning English is to communicate with others. Our sharing session will consist of the following stages:

During this process, you can keep your video and audio off. However, we still encourage everyone to discuss with the speaker.For this session, we have invited XXXX, XXXX.

After the sharing session, our speaker will share their insights on current market hotspots and "wealth codes"!

Our speaker for this Web3 Sharing is: XXXX XXXX

The highlights of this sharing are: